Terms & Condition

Liability of the USER and the SOCIETY

If the USER has complied with the TERMS and advises the SOCIETY in writing under acknowledgement immediately after he suspects that his User-Id or password is known to another person and/ or notices an unauthorised transaction in his account, he shall not be liable for losses arising out of the unauthorised transactions occurring in the accounts after the receipt of such advice by the SOCIETY.

The USER shall be liable for any loss from unauthorised transactions in the accounts if he has breached the TERMS or contributed or caused the loss by negligent actions The SOCIETY shall not be liable for any unauthorised transactions occurring which can be attributed to the fraudulent or negligent conduct of the USER.

Customer’s obligations:

1. The customer has an obligation to maintain secrecy in regard to Password registered with the Society. The Society presupposes that login using valid Account Number and Password is a valid session initiated by none

other than the customer.

2. Transaction executed through a valid session will be construed by TRCACS to have emanated from the registered customer and will be binding on him/her.

3. The customer will not attempt or permit others to attempt accessing the “CoWallet” through any unlawful means.

Do’s & Don’ts:

1. The customer should keep his/her password strictly confidential and should not divulge the same to any other person. Any loss sustained by the customer due to non-compliance of this condition will be at his/her own risk and responsibility and the Society will not be liable for the same in any manner.

2. The customer is free to choose a password of his/her own for “CoWallet” services. As a precaution a password that is generic in nature, guessable or inferable personal data such as name, address, telephone member, driving license, date of birth etc. is best avoided. Similarly it is a good practice to commit the password to memory rather than writing it down somewhere.

3. It may not be safe to leave the computer/mobile unattended during a valid session. This might give access to your account information to others.

4. Society never asks for OTP,Password,PIN Please remember that society would never ask you to verify your account information through an e-mail or Call

5. Never provide your password over the phone or in response to an unsolicited request over e-mail.

6. Always remember that information like password, PIN, etc are strictly confidential and are not known even to employees/service personnel of the Society

7. Never share your OTP to anyone, even it looks authentic. Society will never ask for it.

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